Notes: RS stands for Regular Session; SS stands for Special Session; SE stands for Side Event.


Day 2,Oct. 15, 2024Tuesday


Opening Ceremony

2024-10-15 09:00 ~ 09:50

Timetable V1 Updated:2024-10-10 15:59:34

Start End Duration ID Title
09:00 09:50 50 Opening Address

Plenary Session 1

2024-10-15 10:20 ~ 11:50

Timetable V3 Updated:2024-10-10 15:54:51

Start End Duration ID Title
Plenary Session 1 Keynote Speeches
Moderator: Zhaoming XU, Chief Planner of Changjiang Water Resources Commission
10:20 10:50 30 210
Reinforced Joint Scheduling of Water Projects to Ensure Water Security in the Yangtze River Basin of China
Dongshun LIU Commissioner/Changjiang Water Resources Commission, Ministry of Water Resources
Keynote speech
10:50 11:20 30 211
The Fascinating World of Waves and Their Hydraulic Engineering Applications—Examples from Hong Kong & Beyond
Mohamed S. Ghidaoui Professor/Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Keynote speech
11:20 11:50 30 212
Technology Enables High-quality Development of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project
Xinqiang NIU Academician/CISPDR Corporation,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
Keynote speech


2024-10-15 11:50 ~ 12:25

Timetable V3 Updated:2024-10-10 18:44:58

Start End Duration ID Title
Roundtable: Flood and Droughts Mitigation within Climate Change Area: How to Ensure Sustainable Water Use and Ecological Needs?
Moderator: Philippe Gourbesville, President of IAHR
11:50 11:55 5 Opening and Introductions
11:55 12:25 30 Dongshun LIU, Wenhao WU, Haibo LIU, Hong DUAN, Manasa Ranjan Behera, Nguyen Thu Hien

Water-related Hazard and Risk Reduction

2024-10-15 14:00 ~ 15:30

China Optics Vally Convention & Exhibition Center Conference Hall 1

Timetable V15 Updated:2024-10-09 19:04:05

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Xiaotao CHENG, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)
14:00 14:18 18 11
Invited speech
14:18 14:36 18 12
14:36 14:49 13 13
14:49 15:02 13 14
Effects of extreme flood events on river morphology and riparian vegetation
Yiwei GUO/Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences
Oral Presentation
15:02 15:15 13 15
15:15 15:28 13 9
Validation of depth-averaged numerical model against benchmark models in perfect fluids and viscoplastic fluids simulation
Jeff Fei Tan/Universiti Sains Malaysia River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Center
Oral Presentation

Integrated Water Resources Management

2024-10-15 14:00 ~ 15:30

China Optics Vally Convention & Exhibition Center Conference Hall 2

Timetable V8 Updated:2024-10-09 18:48:55

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Masayasu Irie, Osaka University
14:00 14:18 18 16
14:18 14:36 18 4
Invited speech
14:36 14:49 13 17
Oral Presentation
14:49 15:02 13 18
15:02 15:15 13 20
Collaborative efforts in transboundary water management
Tanmoy Mondal/China Three Gorges University
Oral Presentation
15:15 15:28 13 19

Eco-hydraulics and Environment

2024-10-15 16:00 ~ 17:30

China Optics Vally Convention & Exhibition Center Conference Hall 1

Timetable V10 Updated:2024-10-09 19:08:02

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Masayuki Fujihara, Kyoto University
16:00 16:18 18 21
16:18 16:36 18 22
Invited speech
16:36 16:49 13 23
Groundwater dynamics in a Zoige peatland watershed on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Zhiwei LI/State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management, Wuhan University
Oral Presentation
16:49 17:02 13 24
17:02 17:15 13 25
17:15 17:28 13 26
Fish habitats in the Yangtze River headwaters: Implications and insights
Wei LI/Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, CWRC
Oral Presentation

Climate Change: Adaptation, Mitigation and Resilience

2024-10-15 16:00 ~ 17:30

China Optics Vally Convention & Exhibition Center Conference Hall 2

Timetable V9 Updated:2024-10-09 19:00:29

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Mingfu Guan, The University of Hong Kong
16:00 16:18 18 27
Water dependencies for climate mitigation
Elpida Kolokytha/Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Invited speech
16:18 16:36 18 28
16:36 16:49 13 29
16:49 17:02 13 30
17:02 17:15 13 31
17:15 17:28 13 32

Smart Water

2024-10-15 16:00 ~ 17:30

China Optics Vally Convention & Exhibition Center Conference Hall 3

Timetable V4 Updated:2024-10-09 18:31:44

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Asaad Y. Shamseldin, University of Auckland
16:00 16:18 18 1
16:18 16:36 18 33
Invited speech
16:36 16:49 13 34
Research on key technologies for building digital twin platform for water management
Zhe CHEN/Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, CWRC
Oral Presentation
16:49 17:02 13 35
17:02 17:15 13 36
Oral Presentation
17:15 17:28 13 37
Data-driven modelling for urban flooding forecasting in Birmingham
Zizhu PENG/Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, CWRC
Oral Presentation

Flash flood disaster prevention of small mountainous watersheds under climate change

2024-10-15 14:05 ~ 15:30

China Optics Vally Convention & Exhibition Center Conference Hall 3

Timetable V14 Updated:2024-10-10 10:57:35

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Duan CHEN, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute; Elpida Kolokyth, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
14:05 14:20 15 135
Shallow Water Hydro-Sediment-Morphodynamic Modelling of Flash Flooding
Zhixian CAO/the State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science,Wuhan University
Oral Presentation
14:20 14:35 15 136
Oral Presentation
14:35 14:50 15 137
Advances in Weather Radar Technology and the Role of Ensemble Nowcasting in Predicting Flash Flooding Events
Dehua ZHU/Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST)
Oral Presentation
14:50 15:05 15 138
Field observation and key findings of the dynamic characteristics of rainfall-induced debris flows in Jiangjia Ravine
Dongri SONG/Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Oral Presentation

Identification of medium and long-term scale droughts and floods

2024-10-15 14:00 ~ 15:30

China Optics Vally Convention & Exhibition Center Conference Hall 4

Timetable V5 Updated:2024-10-10 10:58:16

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Peng LI, Three Gorges Cascade Dispatch & Communication Center of China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd.
14:00 14:20 20 139
14:20 14:40 20 140
Some new insights in urban flooding simulation
Xichao GAO/China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
Oral Presentation
14:40 15:00 20 141
Oral Presentation
15:00 15:15 15 142
15:15 15:30 15 143
Medium to Long-Term Precipitation and Temperature Prediction Forecasting Based on Drought and Flood Factors
Biqiong WU/Hubei Key Laboratory of Intelligent Yangtze and Hydroelectric Science
Oral Presentation

Collaborative governance of water resources, water environment and water ecology in large lake basins

2024-10-15 14:00 ~ 15:30

China Optics Vally Convention & Exhibition Center Conference Hall 5

Timetable V5 Updated:2024-10-10 10:59:22

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Wei ZHANG, Jiangxi Academy of Water Science and Engineering
14:00 14:15 15 147
Finite-size scaling for the permeability of discrete fracture networks
GALINDO TORRES Sergio Andres/Westlake University
Oral Presentation
14:15 14:30 15 151
Ecological and environment problems in Poyang Lake and its response strategies
Ligang XU/Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Oral Presentation
14:30 14:45 15 155
14:45 15:00 15 160
Adaptive water resources management in the Poyang Lake Basin under changing environments
Zhangjun LIU/Jiangxi Academy of Water Science and Engineering
Oral Presentation
15:00 15:15 15 163
Efficacy of sod culture with AM fungi on soil properties and fruit production in citrus orchard
Hongguang LIU/Jiangxi Academy of Water Science and Engineering
Oral Presentation
15:15 15:30 15 166
Oral Presentation

Optimization and scheduling of cascade reservoirs

2024-10-15 16:00 ~ 17 17:30

China Optics Vally Convention & Exhibition Center Conference Hall 4

Timetable V8 Updated:2024-10-10 11:00:05

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Dedi LIU, Wuhan University
16:00 16:20 20 169
16:20 16:40 20 173
16:40 17:00 20 177
Oral Presentation
17:00 17:15 15 180
17:15 17:30 15 183
Research and Application of Decision Support System for Comprehensive Utilization of Water Resources
Jia LU/Hubei Key Laboratory of Intelligent Yangtze and Hydroelectric Science
Oral Presentation

Construction and innovative application of digital twin water conservancy

2024-10-15 16:00 ~ 17:30

China Optics Vally Convention & Exhibition Center Conference Hall 5

Timetable V4 Updated:2024-10-10 11:00:59

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Yan HUANG, China Three Gorges University
16:00 16:13 13 188
Exploration and Practice of Digital Twin Watershed Construction
Yan HUANG/China Three Gorges University
Oral Presentation
16:13 16:26 13 191
Oral Presentation
16:26 16:39 13 194
Progress of Digital Twin Yellow River Construction
Shentang DOU/Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research
Oral Presentation
16:39 16:52 13 198
Research and Construction of Digital Twin Models for Water Conservancy
Zhongwu JIN/Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute
Oral Presentation
16:52 17:05 13 199
Research on Sky-Ground-Water Integrated Hydrological Monitoring Technology
Shan DENG/Hydrology Bureau of Changjiang Water Resources Commission
Oral Presentation
17:05 17:18 13 200
The application of AI model in Hydrology
Ganquan MAO/Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Oral Presentation
17:18 17:30 12 201
Large language models(LLMs) intelligence empowers smart water field
Yuankai XU/China Electronics Cloud and Manager of Product Technology Department (Wuhan)
Oral Presentation
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